“You’re cray cray, girl!”

The naysayers and “negative nancies” in my life often say something similar to me.

Why would you train so often?

You’re too old already lah you…

Why are you doing so many activities?

Why are you racing, you don’t even like running?

Why are you planning such crazy things?

and so on.

So what do you say to such things?

Because I can.

Because I do not subscribe to the misconception that curvaceous means that you are unfit or can’t achieve anything in sports or anything else for that matter. It takes all body shapes and personalities to do whatever you want to. It’s a mindset.

Because I try to step out of that all too easy comfort zone once in a while.

Because I plan to age disgracefully and live life as healthily and kick ass as long as I can.

Because I can show my kids that perseverance and dogged determination can help you in the long term. It is the journey that counts, that you know that hard work, “grit-your-teeth” ‘tude and a positive mindset can set you in good stead. And you can do this with a cheerful grin and without losing your humanity at the same time.

Because self-confidence and self-esteem comes from within, from overcoming challenges, big or small.

Because having your #skuadsokong/#kampungnetwork cheer you on, kick your butt when you need it, and “suffer” alongside you is something that you should have, and always be grateful for.

Because the hardest battle, the toughest competition is with yourself, no one else. Dragging those aching feet over the finish line, finishing that last set when your legs and arms wobble, finger tips touching the wall at the last breath, that exercise lasting 5 secs longer than the week before… That comes from you, and all the steps that came beforehand to get you there. It doesn’t matter if you come in last, first, or somewhere in between, you have your battles to fight and defeat. You cross the finish line, figuratively (and literally too!).

And finally…

Because the naysayers can go fuck themselves, pardon my Klatchian.

This is MY journey, for life, baby!

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat.

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