the week of Jan 27th- Jan 30th 2014

This is the week before Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year so our lessons will be up to Thursday morning only.

Catching up on their Global Game Jam bootcamp notes. Trying to train them how to make concise but coherent notes.
Writing their journal reg: the workshops and experiences. Teaching them to observe, bring description into
Mandarin homework.

Finished the Earth description notes, read it.
Mandarin homework.
Will do more Timetables practice, from 4x-6x with flashing the cards not in sequence (backwards for now). Starting with 7x.

We played a game.

They are rather worn out today, it was a long weekend. There’s no pc/game today, and they have had half hour deduction from tomorrow’s play/game time for coming to the table late. Trying to train them to be ready BEFORE the designated time, rather than AT the time given. It’s going to take a while. Will need to finish up the chore chart so I don’t have any arguments reg: chores & whose turn it is to do it. J2 needs to learn time management, and directional focus, ditto for j1 but to slow down, rather than doing everything at top side but make mistakes.

28th Jan

Twins: Grandma Class (in the am)

Mandarin homework (writing characters)
some more of the English practice sessions, and some videos.

Twins did Mandarin Homework.

29th Jan

a good session at the park.
Twins: Practiced their entire set of Mandarin flashcards, might test them on the old ones, next week, to keep things refreshed.
j1 needs that motivation, he’s getting better at focusing and taking it seriously but like k, he only has set attention span. Still working on j2’s time management.
Maths practice: 1x-12x timetables, written. 2 columns, swopping numbers around. There was some whinging, as they had to write it out themselves, they wanted to try the verbal method but we’ll save that for another round, like a game! Don should be taking over the Maths part from February, I’m just covering the revision aspects for now.

K: finished the last of his Mandarin character writing. Studied the 8x time tables. Practiced the 4,5,6,Practiced 7xtimetables. Wrote the 1-8x timetables in his book, 2x each for 1x-8x timetables (swopping numbers to see if he gets the relationship). He is getting better at focusing but really needs guidance, especially the control of his frustration and anger.

All 3:
watched Khan academy video on Photosynthesis. Made notes on what they saw.

This afternoon:
chores & making apple raisin/apple choc chip granola bars! 🙂 Although those who don’t want to help can get to clean the downstairs bathroom. 😀

30th Jan
Lunar New Year Eve. We are cooking the reunion dinner. No lessons for the next 4 days, due to it being the Lunar New Year, and it’s clean up time.

A reminder:

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